D accolades

D accolades
reporting facts through conscious and dynamic innovations

Wednesday 27 July 2016

DID YOU KNOW.....? Part one

*...that the sentence “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG” contains all the English alphabets.

*...that the only food that doesn’t spoil is honey.
*...that men can read smaller print better than women, but women hear well than men.
*... that the sentence “First Friday, fifteen February, father Francis Fred from France fried four fresh frozen fishes for five famous friends from Finland” has 20 F’s at the beginning.
*...that the Garden of Eden was in present day Iraq. Also the three wise men are from Iraq and Noah built the ark in Iraq. Also, Abraham and Rebecca were from Iraq. Daniel was in the lion’s den in Iraq while Ezekiel and Peter also preached there. The tower of Babel was in Iraq while the three Hebrew children (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) were thrown into fire in Iraq!
*...that Babylon, Land of Shinar and Mesopotamia also means Iraq. The word Mesopotamia means between two rivers which are Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq. IRAQ means country with deep roots

*... that the highest point ,mount Everest and lowest point on land, Dead sea shore are both in Asia; in fact, about one-third of the world’s land and two-thirds of its people are also in Asia.
*... that America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer that followed Columbus there in 1497. CAMEROUN was from Portuguese word RIOS DE CAMEROS, meaning River of prawns. PHARAOH means “Great house”, the kings’ house, while CASABLANCA means WHITE HOUSE.
*... that a chameleon tongue is twice the length of its body.
*...that a chimpanzee can learn to recognise itself in front of a mirror, but monkey cant.
*...that a rat can last longer without water than a camel can.
*... that about 10% of the world’s population is left-handed.
*...that a cat see about six times better than a human at night.
*...that Pacific Ocean covers 32.6% of the world.
*...that Sahara desert is about the land area of U.S.A.

*...that the name of animal that can fly backward is kiwi while sea-urchin is the animal that feed on sand.
*...Platinum is the most precious metal.
*... that all the same alphabets that started all the names of the continents also ended it Africa, Asia, Europe, America (North and South), Antarctica and Australia.
*...that the longest English word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 words.
*...that Mehmet Ali Agca (Turkish immigrant ), the man that shot and wounded Pope John Paul II four times in 1980 was released on 18 January 2010, aged 52yrs.